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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
May 13, 2008, 6:30 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Barkman, Ferguson, Wright, Kaley and Wilson
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Executive session to discuss potential purchases of properties convened at 5:03 p.m. and adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:22 p.m.

Mr. Sibley asked that the acceptance of the Iroquois easement be added to the agenda.  Commissioner Barkman motioned to add the acceptance of the Iroquois Easement to the Agenda.  Seconded by Commissioner Ferguson.  Motion carried unanimously.
I.      Public Participation

No members of the public were present.

II.     Minutes

Minutes of May 1, 2008 Special Meeting.  Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve minutes.  Seconded by Commissioner Barkman.  Motion approved unanimously.  

Minutes of April 8, 2008 meeting.  Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve minutes.  Seconded by Commissioner Barkman.  Motion approved unanimously.

Minutes of April 22, 2008 meeting.  Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve minutes.  Seconded by Commissioner Wright.  

III.    Communications

Commissioner Hovious discussed the following correspondence received by the Commission.

1.      Letter from the Land Use Academy regarding training programs for Land Use Commissioners.  Ms. Hazen will distribute copies to the Commissioners.  Call Ms. Hazen to sign up.

2.      The commission received a notification of the Water Weeds Workshop from Ann Astarita, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer which will be held on Sunday, May 18, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. at Edmond Town Hall.  Please call Ann Astarita at the Land Use Agency if you plan to attend.  

3.      Commissioner Hovious noted an article in the March-April 2008 Connecticut Town & City publication titled “Revolving Open Space Fund Keeps on Giving” recognizing Newtown’s Open Space program.  Ms. Hazen will copy this article for the Commissioners.  

IV.     Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

1.      Upcoming Meeting Planning

Commissioner Hovious will not be able to attend the May 27th meeting.  Commissioner Ferguson will coordinate the Agenda with Mr. Sibley. The Commissioners are asked to bring their calendars to the next meeting to coordinate attendance during the summer months.

2.      Action on Recommendation to P&Z to Clarify Open Space Definition

Commissioner Hovious spoke with Lilla Dean regarding the open space definition.  It is expected that the Planning & Zoning Commission may draw up a list of questions for the Conservation Commission.  Mr. Sibley will encourage this item be placed on Planning & Zoning’s agenda for their May 29th meeting.  

3.      Open Space at Commerce Road Update

Mr. Sibley discussed a meeting he and George Benson had with members of the Economic Development Commission.  One possibility that was discussed was a six-lot subdivision.  Mr. Sibley and the Commissioners also discussed concerns that the property has not been transferred yet from the State.  Commissioner Barkman spoke with Julia Wasserman who said that the 34 acres is already the towns and that it takes two years to process it through the state.  Mr. Sibley noted that the Town Attorney, David Grogins, is also concerned with the transfer and suggests those who have previously worked on this project (Liz Stocker, Herb Rosenthal, Julia Wasserman, Rob Sibley, etc.) work as a team to get this resolved with the State.  

Mr. Sibley and George Benson have been in discussions with Virginia Jess regarding the dog pound having been without water.  Mr. Sibley is working with Julia Wasserman on the transfer of parcels associated with possible development of a new dog pound.

Commissioner Ferguson left at 6:45 p.m.

4.      Implementation of 2007-2008 budget

Surveying – Mr. Sibley provided an update on the budget.  The open space on Poverty Hollow has been surveyed and marked.  Access to the property is re-established.  Commissioner Hovious asked about the property across from Dickenson Park.  Mr. Sibley stated he will follow up with the surveyors on this.  

Taunton Lake – An A2 survey was received for the Taunton Lake property and will be filed with the Town.  Mr. Sibley has briefed the 78 members of the Newtown Police Department on protocol regarding the policing of Taunton Lake and advised them that the public has the right to use the Lake and harassment by third parties should not be tolerated by the police.

Mr. Sibley and George Benson have met with other interested parties who expressed concerns that the Town’s open space having an potential impact on their private recreational facility and their ability to generate revenue.  

A discussion of keeping or removing the open space markers resulted in the Commission’s decision to keep the markers in place.

Commissioner Barkman stated that Taunton Lake is missing the second marker.

Mr. Sibley stated that some parties have viewed Taunton Lake as a private lake even though it includes both private parcels and parcels open to the public owned by the Newtown Forest Association and the Town of Newtown.  

Commissioner Hovious suggested there be a subgroup developed to work on this and that a Charter for the subgroup should be developed.  Commissioners Wilson and Barkman volunteered to work on the subcommittee and to begin to develop this Charter for the full Commission’s review.  

5.      Ferris Farm Fence and Trail

Mr. Sibley stated that there is nothing new to report.  

6.      Care and Custody of Open Space

a.      Report on NFA Annual Meeting
        Commissioner Barkman and Wright attended the NFA meeting.  They provided an overview of the information received during the presentations at this meeting.  

b.      NFA abutter program
        Commissioner Hovious discussed a letter that NFA sends out to neighboring properties.  Ms. Hazen will distribute copies to the Commissioners.

c.      Martha’s thoughts
        Commissioner Wright discussed a list of ideas and suggestions.  When walking property, Commissioners could include ideas of what the property could be used for (passive recreation, trails, education purposes, etc.) on the evaluation sheets.  Get the Bee involved by disclosing what the Commission is looking for and help from the town’s people and ideas for various properties.  She also discussed the disappearance of certain species in Open Space areas, such as Lady Slippers.  

d.      Preliminary Inventory
        Commissioner Kaley distributed copies of “Care and Custody of Town Open Space” and the Commissioners, with Mr. Sibley, discussed ways for the data to be collected, stored and accessed.

Iroquois Pipeline Discussion.

Mr. Sibley stated that Iroquois, the DEP, and the Army Corp. of Engineers are requesting the Conservation Commission to accept this Easement, as presented, in draft form for acceptance by the Town.  The selectman will be making a similar recommendation and then it will be brought forth to the Legislative Council.  Discussions ensued and questions were addressed.

Commissioner Wright motioned to recommend that the Conservation Commission accept the Conservation Easement as presented with attachments.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kaley.  Motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Hazen will type up the motion and send to Legislative Council and the Board of Selectmen.  

V.      New Business

1.      Natural Resource Inventory Status
a.      CAWIC Listing
b.      Current NRI
c.      Gap Analysis
d.      Guilford example
e.      Future activity

2.      LULA Discussion

Commissioner Kaley motioned to adjourn at 8:40 p.m.  Seconded by Commissioner Barkman.  Motion carried unanimously.